with rebrowned sighted heavy barrels signed ‘S. Nock London Gunmaker to his Majesty’ on the rib, struck with the serial number and London proof marks beneath, engraved case-hardened patent breeches struck twice with the gold-lined maker’s mark and decorated with a hound between on top, platinum lined vents, the rear stamped ‘S. Nock Patent’, engraved breech tang decorated with a Brittania trophy and the sighting groove decorated with a hound, engraved stepped bevelled case-hardened locks decorated with foliate borders, a sun burst and stamped with the gold-lined maker’s stamp beneath the rainproof pans, fitted with pierced cocks, and blued steel springs with rollers, highly figured walnut half-stock, chequered grip (small dents, an early silver reinforce ahead of the locks), the butt with raised cheek-piece, engraved steel mounts probably from William Palmers workshop, comprising butt-plate, trigger-plate with pineapple finial, signed trigger-guard decorated with a hound on the bow, two ramrod-pipes, fore-end cap with a further pineapple and a game bird, silver escutcheon engraved with the owner’s initials ‘DMB’, silver barrel bolt escutcheons and brass-tipped wooden ramrod with worm, perhaps the original: in its original fitted oak case, the exterior with flush-fitting brass carrying handle, the interior lined in green baize, lid with trade label of Samuel Nock trade label for 1806-26, fitted with lock tray (restored), and complete with some accessories including embossed copper flask by Dixon & Sons, mainspring clamp and wad-cutter, 71.5 cm barrels
with rebrowned sighted heavy barrels signed ‘S. Nock London Gunmaker to his Majesty’ on the rib, struck with the serial number and London proof marks beneath, engraved case-hardened patent breeches struck twice with the gold-lined maker’s mark and decorated with a hound between on top, platinum lined vents, the rear stamped ‘S. Nock Patent’, engraved breech tang decorated with a Brittania trophy and the sighting groove decorated with a hound, engraved stepped bevelled case-hardened locks decorated with foliate borders, a sun burst and stamped with the gold-lined maker’s stamp beneath the rainproof pans, fitted with pierced cocks, and blued steel springs with rollers, highly figured walnut half-stock, chequered grip (small dents, an early silver reinforce ahead of the locks), the butt with raised cheek-piece, engraved steel mounts probably from William Palmers workshop, comprising butt-plate, trigger-plate with pineapple finial, signed trigger-guard decorated with a hound on the bow, two ramrod-pipes, fore-end cap with a further pineapple and a game bird, silver escutcheon engraved with the owner’s initials ‘DMB’, silver barrel bolt escutcheons and brass-tipped wooden ramrod with worm, perhaps the original: in its original fitted oak case, the exterior with flush-fitting brass carrying handle, the interior lined in green baize, lid with trade label of Samuel Nock trade label for 1806-26, fitted with lock tray (restored), and complete with some accessories including embossed copper flask by Dixon & Sons, mainspring clamp and wad-cutter, 71.5 cm barrels
Auction: Arms, Armour & Militaria, 6th Dec, 2023