cast in five section, the central figure of Virabhadra under a five headed cobra, holding sword, shield, bow and trident, flanked by the goat headed Daksha and his daughter Sati, the arched aureole behind with makaratorana surmounted by Kirtimukha, 15.5cm high
For a similar, larger, example sold in these rooms, see 11 November 2015, lot 93.
cast in five section, the central figure of Virabhadra under a five headed cobra, holding sword, shield, bow and trident, flanked by the goat headed Daksha and his daughter Sati, the arched aureole behind with makaratorana surmounted by Kirtimukha, 15.5cm high
For a similar, larger, example sold in these rooms, see 11 November 2015, lot 93.
Auction: Olympia Timed Autumn 2024, ending 8th Sep, 2024
Tel: +44 (0)20 7806 5541
Starts: 30th August, 2024 9am
Ends from: 8th September, 2024 4pm
Tuesday 3rd September: 10am to 5pm
Wednesday 4th September: 10am to 5pm
Thursday 5th September: 10am to 5pm