Natasha Broad has been an old master print consultant at Sotheby’s since 2015, and consults on fine art for Art Certification Experts, New York. She was formerly a print specialist at Christie’s, King Street, for a period of five years, and an Old Master picture cataloguer there for a year. Natasha has also worked as a 

Natasha has also worked as a researcher at the old master picture galleries, Johnny van Haeften Ltd. and the Weiss Gallery, and as a fine art consultant at Dominic Winter Auctioneers, Cirencester.  

Natasha read French and Italian modern and medieval languages at Cambridge University, studied at Christie’s Education, and has an M.A. in art history from University College London, specialising in the Florentine Renaissance and Dutch 17th century genre painting. She taught art history to adults at Hampstead School of Art, London, for a period of six years.


Natasha Broad oversees Old Master, Modern & Contemporary Prints +44 (0) 20 7806 5541

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