Jonathan Hills originally trained as a general valuer with an auction room in his native Suffolk but in 1987 he moved to West Sussex and joined Sotheby’s as a valuer at their Country House auction rooms in Billingshurst. Coming from a horological family and with an interest in clocks, Jonathan was made Head of Clocks at Sotheby’s in Sussex in 1992.  In 2002 he moved to Sotheby’s Olympia and in 2006 to New Bond Street where he remained as a Director and senior clock specialist until the beginning of 2024. An undoubted highlight of Jonathan’s career at Sotheby’s was his involvement in the sale of the collection of the late Dr George Daniels. Jonathan is a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, a member of the British Horological Institute and a member of the Antiquarian Horological Society.

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